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Our Governors


LA Governor (Vacant)







Brook Street Primary School Governors


Brook Street School now meets for a full governing body meeting four times each year and also participate in working parties to address specific areas of school governance (Teaching and Learning, Pastoral and Business/Finance).


Jonathan Bursnall (Head)

Headteacher appointed 01.01.16

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of September 2022: N/A


Sam Birkett (nee Fitzsimons) (Co-opt)  CHAIR OF GOVERNORS - Finance Governor

Date of appointment: 15.03.22

Re-election due date: 15.03.27

Appointed by: Co-opt

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of October 2024: N/A


Lucy Meyers (Co-opt, Deputy Head)

Date of appointment: 26.04.22

Re-election due date: 26.04.2026

Appointed by: Co-opt

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of September 2024: N/A


Jan Cameron (Co-opt) |  - Ofsted Link, Buildings, Health and Safety Governor

Date of Appointment 29.06.21

Re-election due 29.06.25

Appointed by: Co-opt

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of October 2024: N/A


Geraldine Haughan (Co-opt)

Date of Appointment 29.06.21

Re-election due 29.06.25

Appointed by: Co-opt

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of September 2022: Daughter, Mrs J Hall, is a teaching assistant at the school. Martyn Hall Joinery is Son in Law's business.


Becky Little (Co-opt) VICE CHAIR OF GOVERNORS -  Safeguarding/Child Protection and LAC Governor

Date of Appointment 04.07.2022

Re-election due 04.07.2026

Appointed by: Co-opt

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of November 2024: N/A


Lorraine Bearchell-Healy (Co-opt) - Attendance, SEN and Pupil Premium Governor

Date of appointment: 09.07.2020

Re-election due date: 09.07.2024

Appointed by: Co-opt

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as September 2024: N/A


Nathan Coleclough (Parent) - Reading/Writing Governor

Date of appointment: 28.09.2020

Re-election due date: 28.09.2024

Appointed by: Parents

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of September 2024: N/A



Alison Williams (Parent) -

Date of appointment: 11.11.2022

Re-election due date: 11.11.2026

Appointed by: Parents

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of November 2024: 


Kerry Alexander (Staff)

Date of appointment 11.11.24

Re-election due date 11.11.28

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of November 2024

Chris Kania (Clerk)

Relevant business & pecuniary interests as of November 2024: N/A

The role of school governors

Find out what school governors do and the key role they play in helping schools to succeed. This short film gives you all the essential information about this rewarding voluntary role.

Governor Committees


Pastoral              Teaching + LearningBusiness + Finance

Debbie Beattie (Staff -

attends in capacity of SENCO

Jonathan Bursnall (Staff)Jonathan Bursnall (Staff)

Geraldine Haughan (Staff)

Lucy Meyers (Staff)Lucy Meyers (Staff)
Lorraine Bearchell-HealyNathan Coleclough (Chair)Geraldine Haughan (Staff)
Tracey Banks (Staff)Alison WilliamsJan Cameron
Becky Little (Chair) Sam Fitzsimons (Chair)


Governor Committee  Attendance


Teaching + Learning

Jonathan BursnallJonathan Bursnall 
Lucy MeyersLucy Meyers 
Nathan ColecloughNathan Coleclough 
Alison Williams Alison Williams  



Geraldine Haughan  
Becky Little  
Tracey Banks  
Debbie Beattie  
Lorraine Bearchell-Healy  



Business + Finance

Jonathan Bursnall  
Lucy Meyers  
Sam Birkett  
Jan Cameron  
Geraldine Haughan  


Full Governing Body Meeting Attendance

Brook Street Primary School Governors

Attendance for 2023 - 2024

Jonathan Bursnall   
Jan Cameron   
Sam Birkett   
Geraldine Haughan   
Tracey Banks   
Lorraine Bearchel-Healy   
Becky Little   
Alison Williams   
Nathan Coleclough   


How To Contact The Governors


The Clerk to the Governors is Carrie Hill – If you need to contact a Governor directly, please contact the Clerk with your details and she will arrange for a Governor to call or email you back.



How To Become a Governor

Do you have the experience and ability to be a Governor of Brook Street School? We are looking for reliable and committed community members who would like to make a positive contribution to the continued success of the school.  Experience in business, education or industry would be a positive attribute but the most important thing is the willingness to become involved in the life of the school and how it is managed.


For further information please contact:

Geraldine Haughan; School Business Manager


Full Governing Body Meeting Attendance (Archived)


Attendance for 2022 - 2023

Jonathan BursnallJonathan BursnallJonathan BursnallJonathan Bursnall
Lucy MeyersLucy MeyersLucy MeyersLucy Meyers
Geraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine Haughan
Becky LittleBecky LittleBecky LittleBecky Little
Sam BirkettSam Birkett Sam Birkett
Jan CameronJan CameronJan CameronJan Cameron
Nathan Coleclough  Nathan Coleclough
Tracey BanksTracey BanksTracey BanksTracey Banks
Alison WilliamsAlison Williams Alison Williams


Attendance for 2021 - 2022

30/11/2021 Via Zoom15/03/2022 Via Zoom26/04/2022 In School04/07/2022 In School
Jonathan Bursnall (Head)Jonathan Bursnall (Head)Jonathan Bursnall (Head)Jonathan Bursnall (Head)
Jan Cameron Jan Cameron Jan Cameron Jan Cameron 
Sam FitzsimonsSam FitzsimonsSam FitzsimonsSam Fitzsimons
Lucy MeyersLucy MeyersLucy MeyersLucy Meyers
Geraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine Haughan
Lorraine Bearchell-HealyLorraine Bearchell-HealyLorraine Bearchell-HealyLorraine Bearchell-Healy
Nathan ColecloughNathan ColecloughNathan ColecloughNathan Coleclough
Lana EdwardsLana EdwardsLana Edwards 
Tracey BanksTracey BanksTracey BanksTracey Banks
Liza ShepherdLiza ShepherdLiza ShepherdLiza Shepherd
Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)


Attendance for 2020 - 2021

01.12.2020 Via Zoom04.01.2021 EGM Via Zoom16.03.2021 Via Zoom29.06.2021 Via Zoom
Jonathan Bursnall (Head)Jonathan Bursnall (Head)Jonathan Bursnall (Head)Jonathan Bursnall (Head)
Jan Cameron Jan Cameron Jan Cameron Jan Cameron 
Sam Fitzsimons Sam FitzsimonsSam Fitzsimons
Lucy Meyers Lucy MeyersLucy Meyers
Geraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine Haughan
Becky LittleBecky LittleBecky LittleBecky Little
Lorraine Bearchell-HealyLorraine Bearchell-HealyLorraine Bearchell-HealyLorraine Bearchell-Healy
Nathan Coleclough Nathan Coleclough 
Lisa Sherlock  Lisa Sherlock
Lana EdwardsLana EdwardsLana EdwardsLana Edwards
Tracey Banks Tracey BanksTracey Banks
Liza ShepherdLiza ShepherdLiza ShepherdLiza Shepherd
Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)



Attendance for 2019 - 2020


15.05.2020 Via Zoom

09.07.2020 Via Zoom
Lawrence Fisher (Chair)  
Jan Cameron (Vice-chair)Jan Cameron (Vice-chair)Jan Cameron (Vice-chair)
Jonathan BursnallJonathan BursnallJonathan Bursnall
Lucy MeyersLucy MeyersLucy Meyers
Eileen Walmsley  
Geraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine Haughan
Sam FitzsimonsSam FitzsimonsSam Fitzsimons
Alison ShortAlison ShortAlison Short
Becky LittleBecky LittleBecky Little
 Lisa SherlockLisa Sherlock
  Lorraine Bearchell-Healy
  Nathan Coleclough
Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)Carrie Hill (Clerk)



Attendance for 2018 – 2019

Lawrence Fisher (Chair)Lawrence Fisher (Chair)Lawrence Fisher (Chair)Lawrence Fisher (Chair)
Emma Bues (Vice Chair)Emma Bues (Vice Chair)Emma Bues (Vice Chair)Emma Bues (Vice Chair)
Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)
Lucy MeyersLucy MeyersLucy MeyersLucy Meyers
Eileen WalmsleyEileen WalmsleyEileen WalmsleyEileen Walmsley
Sam FitzsimonsSam FitzsimonsSam FitzsimonsSam Fitzsimons
Amanda Howes   
Geraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine HaughanGeraldine Haughan
Jan CameronJan CameronJan CameronJan Cameron
Marguerite RobinsonMarguerite RobinsonMarguerite RobinsonMarguerite Robinson
Alison ShortAlison Short  
Becky Little Becky LittleBecky Little



Attendance for 2017 – 2018





Lawrence Fisher (Chair)

Lawrence Fisher (Chair)

Lawrence Fisher (Chair)

Lawrence Fisher (Chair)

Emma Bues (Vice Chair)

Emma Bues (Vice Chair)

Emma Bues (Vice Chair)

Emma Bues (Vice Chair)

Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)

Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)

Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)

Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)

Lucy Meyers

Lucy Meyers

Lucy Meyers

Lucy Meyers

Sheena Graham




Eileen Walmsley

Eileen Walmsley

Eileen Walmsley

Eileen Walmsley

Sam Fitzsimons

Sam Fitzsimons


Sam Fitzsimons

Amanda Howes



Amanda Howes

Geraldine Haughan 

Geraldine Haughan 

Geraldine Haughan 

Geraldine Haughan 

Jan Cameron

Jan Cameron

Jan Cameron

Jan Cameron


Marguerite Robinson

Marguerite Robinson

Marguerite Robinson

  Alison Short

Alison Short

   Becky Little


Attendance for 2016 – 2017





Lawrence Fisher (Chair)

Lawrence Fisher (Chair)

Lawrence Fisher (Chair)

Emma Bues (Vice Chair)

Emma Bues (Vice Chair)

Emma Bues (Vice Chair)

Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)

Jonathan Bursnall (Headteacher)

Jonathan Bursnall - (Headteacher)

Lucy Meyers

Lucy Meyers

Lucy Meyers

Sheena Graham

Sheena Graham

Sheena Graham

Eileen Walmsley

Eileen Walmsley

Eileen Walmsley

Sam Fitzsimons

Sam Fitzsimons

Sam Fitzsimons

Nykola Goodwill



Ruth Walsh (observer)

Ruth Walsh

Ruth Walsh


Amanda Howes

Amanda Howes



Geraldine Haughan



Lisa Sherlock



Jan Cameron

David Salmon (observer)



Attendance for 2015 – 2016






Lawrence Fisher – Chair

Jonathan Bursnall –


Jonathan Bursnall - Headteacher

Jonathan Bursnall - Headteacher

Sam Fitzsimons

Lawrence Fisher – Chair

Lawrence Fisher - Chair

Lawrence Fisher - Chair

Nykola Goodwill

Sam Fitzsimons

Sam Fitzsimons

Emma Bues

Sheena Graham

Nykola Goodwill

Lucy Smith

Lucy Smith

Amanda Howes

Amanda Howes

Sheena Graham

Sheena Graham

Lucy Patrick – Vice Chair

Lucy Patrick – Vice Chair

Lucy Patrick – Vice Chair

Lucy Patrick – Vice Chair

Lucy Smith – Acting Headteacher

Lucy Smith

Eileen Walmsley

Eileen Walmsley

Rob Steele

Eileen Walmsley

Emma Bues

Nykola Goodwill

Eileen Walmsley



Amanda Howes




Lisa Sherlock


Attendance for 2014 - 2015






J Ballard

J Ditchburn

J Ditchburn

J Ditchburn

J Ditchburn

L Fisher

L Fisher

L Fisher

L Fisher

A Howes

S Fitzsimons

S Fitzsimons

S Fitzpatrick

L Patrick

A Howes

S Graham

L Patrick

L Smith

L Smith

A Howes

L Smith

R Steele


L Patrick




L Smith


Brook Street Primary School Governors who have now left but who have served over the past year.

Attendance at meetings is shown below.



Date Appointed

Date Term Ended

Appointed by

Relevant business & pecuniary interests

Liza Shepherd22/10/202007/10/2022Governing BodyALS Financial Services
Lana Edwards29/09/202005/07/2022Governing Body 
Lisa Sherlock28/09/202027/01/2022ParentsN/A

Instrument of Governance

01228 558724