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At Brook Street School, children in Years 2, 3 and 4 will have swimming lessons. We start swimming lessons from as young as Year 2. Swimming is a very important life- skill for children which forms part of the national curriculum. 

The lessons take place in the swimming pool at the Sands Centre. The children are transported to the Sands Centre and back by coach. The lessons are usually in a 2 week block where the children go swimming every afternoon for 2 weeks. The sessions are 45 minutes long.


In 2024 the lessons will be:

Year 4 - Every school day from 16th April - 26th April

Year 2 - Every  school day  from 29h April - 10th May

Year 3 - Every school day from 13th May - 24th May

The children will be transported to the Sands Centre at 1pm to be in the pool for 1.30 - 2.15pm, then brought back to school for the normal end of the day.

There is no charge for swimming lessons.

If your child is in once of the above year groups, please ensure that they have their swimming costume and a towel with them every day for these lessons.

01228 558724