Our published admission number (PAN) is 30.
If you are a parent or carer who is looking for a reception place for your child for September 2024 and would like to have a look around the school and discuss what we can offer, please contact school on 01228 558724 or by email: to arrange an appointment. We will be very happy to show you around our fabulous school. If you have any questions at any time, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Some points you may want to consider:
At our most recent OFSTED inspection (March 2022), we were once again rated as a ‘Good’ School. The full report is shown on the home page under ‘Quick Links’. The report states that:
-‘Children in the early years enjoy learning in the exciting environment that leaders have created, both inside and outdoors. Older pupils eagerly take on responsibilities such as being sports leaders and librarians. Pupils know that leaders have high expectations of their learning and behaviour. Pupils respond well to leaders’ aspirations. Most pupils behave well and work hard. This helps them to succeed in a range of subjects. Pupils feel safe and happy in school.’
-We have a large, well resourced continuous provision room as well as a numeracy room (Numberland) and a literacy room that are used by children in the Foundation Stage Unit.
-The early years children have their own well-resourced, fenced off area of the yard as well as their own kitchen which is used for snack and for Breakfast club.
- We have a FREE Breakfast Club that is available every school day from 8.20am where all children can enjoy a range of FREE breakfast foods ie toast, cereal, crumpets, yoghurts, cheese, milk etc.
- We have an Afterschool Childcare club at a cost of £5 each session for children from reception age to Year 6.
-We have a well-resourced library.
-Behaviour is good and when out on school trips, the good behaviour of our children is often commented upon.
There are many other things that make Brook Street School, the ‘good’ school that it is and we hope to show you them should you arrange a visit.
If you like what you see and wish your child to attend our school, please complete an SA1 form which is available on the Council's website or ask at the school office, where we can help supply the form and submit it for you.
Our aim is to make the children’s entry into school as rewarding and enjoyable as possible, we hope the children will remember their first day at school as an exciting experience, free from worry or fear.
Parents Meeting:
We hold a meeting for parents during the summer term to explain our induction process, and school procedures, this is also an opportunity to visit the Early Years Unit and to have a tour of school.
Play Sessions:
During Transition Week (the week before school breaks up for the summer) children joining our school are invited to attend play sessions each morning. This is an opportunity for children new to our school to get to know the staff, begin to make new friendships, and familiarise themselves with the teaching and learning spaces and the routines.
Home Visits:
If your child is new to our school staff will make a home visit during Transition Week. This is an opportunity for us to meet with new families at home, where your child might feel more comfortable. Home visits are an ideal opportunity for questions to be asked and information to be shared. Children will be asked to draw a picture, and staff will gather more information about children's likes, dislikes, and favourite things.
Entrance Procedure (September)
Children attend and stay for lunch for a week, before attending full time. We firmly believe that children’s education should be a partnership between home and school, working together in the children’s best interests
Your child is eligible to start our Nursery the term after their 3rd birthday, 15 hours a week (8:45am - 12:00pm) or 30 hours a week (8:45am - 3:00pm) depending upon parents' working circumstances, please see the guidelines below.
To be eligible to claim the Government funding for 30 hours FREE entitlement to nursery provision:
2 PARENT FAMILIES - Both parents must work for at least 16 hours per week
SINGLE PARENT FAMILIES - If you are a single parent you must work for at least 16 hours per week
Unfortunately parents who have 'No recourse to public funds' on their visa, can only apply for 15 hours free nursery you do not need to apply for a code for 15 hours).
To register for 30 hours free childcare you will need a code which you can access by going on-line at:
When on-line you will need:
Your national insurance number (for both parents) and
Your child’s date of birth
Your passport and a current wage slip
We can complete this on-line process with you in school if this helps. Please call the school office on 01228 558724 or call into the school office if you would like us to do this, remembering to bring along the documents mentioned above.
Once you have this code, please call at the school office again to complete the necessary application form. We will then verify eligibility using the code that you have been given.
At this time, as well as the code you will have been given, we will also need to see either:
Birth certificate
Child’s passport
EU identity card
Once we have checked eligibility we will contact you to let you know if your request has been successful. To access the 30 hours free nursery provision you need to have registered your request the term before you wish this to begin. If you think you are eligible and would like this to begin in January, please either go on-line or come to the school office for help AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and before16th December 2024.
If you need any help or further information regarding 30 hours FREE nursery provision, please either call at the school office or telephone us on 01228 558724.
If you are not eligible to apply for 30 hours free provision, you can apply for 15 hours of FREE nursery provision, to do this, please contact school. There is no need to access a code for 15 hours free nursery. There are three intake periods for nursery aged children, September, January and April, your child is eligible to start in the month that falls immediately after their 3rd birthday ie if their birthday falls between
1. 1st April and 31 August, they will start nursery in September
2. 1st September and 31st December, they will start nursery in January
3. 1st January and 31st March, they will start nursery in April
If you would like to come and look round our nursery and place your child’s name on our waiting list, please contact school on 01228 558724 to make an appointment and request a nursery application form.
If your child has not attended our nursery, you can still apply for a place in our Reception class.
• Your child is eligible to start full time school (Reception class) in the September following their 4th birthday.
If you would like to come and look round our school and place your child’s name on our waiting list, please contact school on 01228 558724 to make an appointment and request a form.
There may be an occasion when your child has to move from their current school ie due to moving house. If this is the case, please contact Brook Street School on 01228 558724 to:
• ask if we have places available
• arrange for an appointment to view the school
• arrange to complete admission forms
• arrange to order school uniform
The Headteacher will be happy to show you round the school and answer any questions you may have.