Below parents and carers can find pictures and prices of official school uniform, PE Kit, Book Bags and Home School Books that are available to order from the school office. Click on an image to start slideshow.
Uniform can now also be ordered directly from Border Embroideries
Click here to go to their website.
Our uniform requirements are shown below:
- Uniform consists of a blue sweatshirt with the school logo and a white polo shirt.
- Skirts and trousers should be blue, black or grey.
- Skirts should not be mini-skirts or tight elasticated tubes.
- Black, grey or blue tights may be worn but not leggings
- Flat black shoes or trainers should be worn, both should be absolutely plain black with no logos or flashing lights.
Heels should be no higher than 2cm. - In the summer, blue and white checked or striped dresses may be worn as well as plain blue, black or grey shorts.
- In the summer, children may wear white or black low heeled sandals with a strap around the heel.
- For PE children should wear a plain white tee-shirt or a white tee-shirt with the school logo on and plain navy blue shorts with no brand logos. Trainers or plimsolls will be required for outdoor games. These must be completely plain with no logos or flashing lights.
- In the winter when the weather is really cold, children may wear blue or black tracksuit trousers for outdoor games.
- The school will provide every child with a free PE bag, but if this is lost or damaged a new one will have to be purchased from the school office.
- PE kit should always be in school and should only be taken home to be washed at the end of a week or half term.
Sweatshirts with our logo on along with poloshirts with our logo on, PE shorts and PE tee-shirts with our logo on can be purchased from the School Office as well as direct from Cumbria Embroideries. However you can purchase them without the logo on from other high street stores and supermarkets if you prefer.
Skirts, trousers, jogging bottoms, summer dresses, trainers, plimsolls and shoes should be bought from high street stores or supermarkets.
Used Uniform Event
We hold a Used Uniform Event every so often, where we display lots of used uniform that have been donated to school and invite parents to come along and take, free of charge, any items that they would like. Look out for texts or letters telling you when these events will take place. If you are struggling financially and need help with uniform, please ask at any time and we can check to see if there are any items that you could use available.
To enable us to offer this event, if you could donate any used uniform that your child has grown out of and is no longer useful to you, we would be very grateful.
- No jewellery, except one pair of plain studs, should be worn in school. Any studs must be removed during PE, games or swimming. If a child is unable to do this, the parent must remove the earrings before coming to school. Any child getting their ears pierced should do so at the very beginning of the summer holidays so that they do not miss any PE when the earrings cannot be removed for the first 6 weeks. Charity wristbands, loom bands and friendship bracelets should not be worn for school.
Nails and Polish
- False or acrylic nails are not appropriate for school and can in fact be dangerous for many school- based activities. These should be removed for school.
- No nail varnish should be worn in school. If a child comes to school wearing nail varnish, it will be removed.
Hair Styles
- Children should not wear extreme hair fashions which are designed to attract attention, including dyed or streaked hair, styles such as spikes, mohicans and images or lines cut into hair. Hair gels, waxes, gels, mousses and any other styling products should not be used.
Non-Uniform Day
- At the end of every half term, the school organises non-uniform days. On these days children do not need to wear uniform. The clothes that they wear must be suitable for school. No high heels may be worn, nothing higher than 2cm and no clothing that shows more bare skin than would otherwise be seen when wearing school uniform eg crop tops and mini-skirts.
- No make-up or jewellery, apart from 1 pair of studs may be worn.
Brook Street Book Bags
- These are given free to children. However if you lose of damage this you must pay to replace it. They can be purchased from the School Office. Children are not allowed to use their own book bags.
Mobile phones
- We discourage mobile phones in school. However, if you child comes to and from school on their own and you wish for them to bring a mobile phone for security reasons, this should be handed in at the school office for safe keeping during the school day. A permission form needs to be completed by a parent if your child is to bring a mobile phone to school. The form is available from the School Office.