Science - materials
In Science this half term we have been learning about materials and their properties.
We had fun investigating lots of different objects, identifying the materials they were made from and testing their properties.
We learned lots of new vocabulary such as transparent, opaque, absorbent and waterproof.
At the end of our unit we were able to sort objects into the material they are made from and their different properties!
Design and Technology - Puppets
We practiced our cutting skills and learned how to sew to make our own hand puppets.
Children chose the animal they would like to make - zebras, penguins, monkeys, elephants or frogs.
We think our hand puppets look great and have had lots of fun playing with them!
Science - animals
In Science we learned about lots of different animals and how to sort them into fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals by looking at their features.
We enjoyed watching live zoo cameras, watching videos and learning about animals in books.
We created animal masks, sorted pictures of animals, made animals out of Lego, playdough and Knex and played with lots of toy animals in the classroom!
History - Toys
We have been learning about old and new toys, what they are made of and how they have changed over time.
We sorted lots of pictures, explored lots of toys in the classroom and learned about how toys were different in the Victorian Times.