Brook Street School is now closed.
If you are a Critical Worker, please note that your child can be looked after between 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday at Upperby School, Uldale Road, Carlisle, CA2 4 JT. If you have not pre-booked a place, please contact Upperby School hub on 01228 815460 to arrange for a place to be made available for your child.
Staff from Brook Street School will be present to look after them there.
They will need a packed lunch with them each day and they must be in school uniform. You must complete the relevant paperwork when leaving them for the first time and have provided us with documentation proving that you are a critical worker.
If you need help with the provision of food at this difficult time, please either email us on: or telephone us on 07821573434 (between 9am and 10am) as we may be able to refer you to Carlisle Food Bank.
If you are entitled to Free School Meals, the Government are hoping to have e-vouchers available. Please ensure that school has your email address by emailing us on
There will be no provision over the school holiday weeks (Easter, May, Summer).
If you need to contact us regarding any other matter, please email us on
We will communicate with you by text over the course of the closure. If you are not receiving text messages, please email us giving us details of your up to date mobile number on Please also remember to state who your child is when contacting us.
Please stay safe and stay in as per Government guidelines and we look forward to resuming normal school life once this crisis is over.