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Year 1 (Miss Dixon)

Our Final Week at Home!!!


Hi everyone ! This is your final week of home learning. Lets make it our best. Put 110% effort into this weeks work. You can do this! See you all on Monday 8th March! 


This week's work:

Reading - I have set each guided reading group a particular book to read on the Oxford Owls reading website (you will have a 2DO with the link on Purple Mash) and an activity for you to complete afterwards. 

Phonics - watch the flashcard and Jolly Phonics song that we sing in school. All below. 

Spellings - complete the spellings list each day on Purple Mash

Literacy - This week we are continuing our Talk For Writing topic on non-chronological reports, linking it to our History learning about the Great Fire of London

Maths - addition and subtraction to 20 is this weeks topic in maths.

History - We are continuing to learn about The Great Fire of London.

RE - Our topic is special places.

History Monday Video link:

RE link:


username: student 9529

password: banana


Phase 2 video:

Phase 3 video:

Phase 4 video:

Phase 5 video:


Phase 2 flashcards

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Watch this each day.

Phase 3 flashcards

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Watch this each day.

Phase 5 flashcards

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This week's work:


Literacy - This week we are beginning a new Talk For Writing topic on non-chronological reports.

Maths - this week is all about length and weight.

History - We are going to be learning about The Great Fire of London.

PE - continuing our gymnastics learning on balancing.

RE - this half term our topic is special places



Monday Maths:

Thursday Maths

Friday Maths activity – top marks activity Mostly Postie in 100gs


Phase 3 video

Phase 5 video




Mon video:

Tues and Thurs video:

Wed and Fri video:

Talk for writing - Thursday

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Talk for Writing- Tuesday

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Wellness day 12th February 2021 - Reduced screen time

Week 6! Week commencing 8th Feb 


One week until half term! You can do this!!!!! I have been incredibly impressed with the effort being put into home learning these past few weeks. It is so important you complete each task with all your effort. 

Here are this weeks links: 


Phonics phase 2 link:  

Phonics phase 3 link:

Phonics phase 4 link: 

Phonics phase 5 video below




Monday link





Last week the children at school learnt how to do a teddy bear roll. Follow this link and learn how to do one too! 

Art link for Monday


Monday T4W video

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T4W Tuesday part 1

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T4W part 2 Tuesday

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Sorry about the quality. Listen carefully to the task.

Wednesday T4W

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Monday Phase 5 phonics video a_e

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Tuesday Phase 5 phonics video e_e

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Wednesday Phase 5 phonics video i_e

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Thursday Phase 5 phonics video o_e

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Friday Phase 5 phonics video u_e

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Maths Multiplication video

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Week 5


Hi all! 

I have enjoyed seeing all of your amazing story maps and actions! You have worked so hard. Miss Thompson and I are very proud of the work produced! 


We have a busy week ahead again!

Here is an overview of what we are doing:


Spellings- Purple Mash

Phonics game- Purple mash

Phonics activities- Purple Mash

Phonics videos: 

Phase 2- 

Phase 3-

Phase 4-  and


Reading- Purple mash and/or oxford owl (online website)

T4W- Looking at rhyming and poems. All on purple mash.

Mondays link:

Thursdays link:  and then

Maths- Doubling and halving


mon - and


Tues -


Wed -


Life skills- Purple mash 

Story :

Thurs - 


Fri - 



RE- Purple Mash 




Week 4 !


Here are links to videos you need to watch for History. 

I will link These on purple mash too! 









Phonics videos that are also linked on purple mash but in case you did not see them, I have attached them below. 

Please watch phase 4 video each day!

Phase 2- and 

phase 3- 

Phase 4  -

Phase 5- 


I will attach videos to help you with English. Please watch these first before the task. The videos are linked on purple mash but I have uploaded them on here to help those who are completing paper packs. 

Tuesday story map

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This video will help you to learn the Tale of Peter Rabbit. I want you to learn the story and create some actions for it. I have included the text on purple mash.

Hi all ! Week 3!


I have attached videos below for you to watch. Please can you ensure you have watched each video at least twice a week! If you are in Miss Dixons phonics you are to watch phase2,3 & 4 videos. 

If you are in Miss Thompsons phonics, please watch phase 3,4 & 5 videos meaning you have one a day to watch. 

In addition to this, you all need to watch the letters and sounds daily phonics song each day. 


You also have lots of work on purple mash for you to complete. You have a PE video link below for each day. 


Work for this week. Each day you have:

-Spellings - Purple mash

- Reading - oxford owl link below for free Ebooks

- Phonics- video links below, flashcard videos, daily song, purple mash activity and task

- English- Inverted comas, capital letter and full stops. Link below and tasks on purple mash please watch this video on Monday.

- Maths- video links below and work on purple mash

- Science- videos below and work on purple mash 

PE- video links below. 


Phase 2 phonics videos


Phase 3 phonics video


Phase 4 Phonics Video


phase 5 phonics videos


English video - Inverted comma



Maths videos for shapes

mon - lesson 3

tues - lesson 4

wed - lesson 1

thurs - lesson 2


Videos for science


PE Videos-  One a day to get you moving, release some energy and get you ready for the day ahead!



Tricky words reading

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Phase the video on each word and have a go at 1) writing the words 2) reading the words: these can be done on two different days over over the whole week.

Week 2 commencing 11th January 2021


Hi all! 
It was lovely to see that some of you completed the work on purple mash and from the class page. WELL DONE YOU! 👍🏻👍🏻

If you haven’t yet, please can I remind you of the importance of allowing your child to access the home learning and the impact is has. 

Over this next week we will be covering the following: 


phonics - daily song link, flashcard videos, tricky words video, purple mash activities, purple mash sheet


Reading- Oxford owl online Ebooks link, reading video and any books you have at home.


English- purple mash sheets 


maths- purple mash activities plus a video on class page below. 

science- daily videos below, purple mash sheet tasks


PE- cosmic kids yoga ! ( I recommend doing this when you want them to have some calm time) 



spellings- daily purple mash tests 




Pause the video on each page and read the story

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Questions about the story:
What happened in the beginning?
What happened in the middle?
What happened at the end?
Was there a good and bad character ?
Are the images illustrations or photographs?
Is the story fiction or non-fiction?

Pause the video on each page and read the story.

Still image for this video
Questions about the story:
What happened in the beginning?
What happened in the middle?
What happened at the end?
Was there a good and bad character ?
Are the images illustrations or photographs?
Is the story fiction or non-fiction?

Pause the video on each page and have a go at reading the story.

Still image for this video

We are learning about animals in science so lets complete safari yoga! Go On A Safari Adventure! 🦁 Yoga Club | Cosmic Kids

Take a walk on the wild side as we go on a safari adventure - Cosmic Kids style!

Hi all ! 


I hope you all had a lovely and safe Christmas and new year.


I have set work on here and on purple mash for you to complete each day. 

Make sure you watch the phonics flashcards video I have uploaded as well as the video we watch each day at school. I have linked it below. I will be marking and replying to your purple mash work. I cannot wait to see how well you all do. 



Cannot wait to see you all when it is safe again. 


Miss Dixon & Miss Thompson. 


Y1- Festive Singing

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Merry Christmas and a happy new year from Year 1, Miss Thompson and myself, Miss Dixon. Stay safe and see you in the new year !

Split vowel digraphs

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This is new learning to most of you. This video is a follow up from the phase 5 flashcards video.

Children being congratulated this half term!


Getting Along- Marshall May

Organisation - Elena

Persistance- Mason

Confidence- Antonia

Most improved handwriter- Ivayla

Most improved reader- Franklin 

Scientist of the term- Gabriella 

Avril Award (Trying hard in Jigsaw) - Lillie


I would also like to congratulate all the children in my class for starting year 1 with great confidence. It has been a different start to the year due to covid but the children have settled in well and adapted to the changes around school well. 


keep up the great work Year 1 ! 

The children have been super busy this week and I thought I would show you what we have been up to. In Literacy, we are focusing on traditional tales. We are learning to write our own traditional tale. 

In science we have been looking at different materials and their properties. Linking closely to this, in DT (Design Technology) we have been working in teams to build a house for the Three Little Pigs. We have to think about what materials would be suitable where, for example, plastic for windows as it is waterproof and transparent. Next week we will be painting the houses and finally testing them to see if they are strong enough to stop the big bad wolf from blowing them down and to see if they are waterproof. The children will evaluate their houses at the end.

All the children worked extremely hard ! 

I will share the photos of the houses with you so you can discuss with your child about the materials and the properties. 


Miss Dixon & Miss Thompson

Houses the children built in DT. October 2020

Welcome to Year 1 ! 

As most of you are aware already, there are two year 1 classes with two teachers and two teaching assistants. My class are blessed with Miss Thompson as our teaching assistant who has enjoyed getting to know all of your children. 

Over the past few weeks, the children have been settling into their new classrooms, exploring the wide range of resources and expanding their academic knowledge through art, science, Jigsaw, talk for writing, Phonics, maths, guided reading and RE. The children have been working so hard and I am extremely impressed by their fantastic attitude towards their education and returning to school after a long time off. 

Parents, I am aware of your worries and concerns towards year 1 as your children have missed a large part of their Early Years Reception curriculum. I can reassure you that we have set aside time in the day to have catch up on focused learning as well as reception play based learning activities available to help with the transition of years. Please continue to promote maths and phonics at home in a fun and exciting way, maybe through talk or games to help promote your child’s academic growth.

I will attach some photos of art work we have re-created. We have studied the artist: Piet Mondrian who is a Dutch abstract artist. The children learnt about primary and secondary colours before creating their own version of Mondrian’s art work. 

I have also attached some photos of your child’s classroom. 



Miss Dixon

Art work created by the children

Year 1 Classroom

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