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Year 6 (Mrs Ross)

Winter Wonderland

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'Last Christmas' played on guitar by Year 6

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Congratulations Assembly 23.10.20



Year 6, we've been back at school for over two weeks now and we're already back in a good daily routine .

The Rousseau watercolour paintings turned out fantastic (all the colour mixing practise paid off!) and will be going up on display this week.  Last week, we began a science unit of work about living things and have already began to learn about Carl Linnaeus' important work in classifying all living things.  In addition, we have, once again, began to learn the guitar.  Mr McKenzie visits on Tuesday mornings and we're picking up from where we left off in the spring term.


Just as a reminder:

- homework is given out on Friday and should be returned by Wednesday.

-make sure you are reading every night for between 20 and 30 minutes and taking regular Accelerated Reader quizzes in school.





Welcome to Year 6,


It's nice to have you all back in school and already working hard.

This week, we have been appraising Henri Rousseau's paintings and discussing how he uses perspective to give the illusion of depth.  Having practised mixing a range of different colours using the primary colours, we will be using this knowledge to paint our final compositions using watercolour paints.  


Our class novel is Holes by Louis Sachar and we will be using this text to generate setting descriptions and letter writing.  


Year 6's PE lessons are on Friday afternoons - beginning with gymnastics (indoors) for the first half term.

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