If your child will be joining our Reception class this September you will find all of the information you need here.
Photos of our Early Years Unit
Hello from Miss Wightman, I can't wait to meet you all on Monday!
Friday 5th March 2021
Good Morning everyone!
Thank you and a massive well done to those of you who entered my two World Book Day competitions yesterday, it was a really hard decision to choose my winners, I wish I could have chosen you all!
How are you all feeling about coming back to school next week?
Just a reminder that Miss Wightman will be your teacher from Monday, she is going to post a video for you to watch today
I will miss all of you and it does feel a little bit strange knowing I won't see you for a while. When my baby comes I will definitely show you some photo's and maybe even do a zoom call with you all!
I hope you have a fantastic first week back at school next week, remember to listen carefully, try your best and most importantly, have fun!
Hi everyone, this is my all time favourite story, I hope you enjoy it :)
What the Ladybird Heard - Read by Miss Watson
The Smallest Fish in School with Miss Wightman
The Cave read by Miss Watson
This is your first World Book Day story read by Miss Watson :)
Monkey and Me
Hello everyone, this if your first story for World Book Day. I hope you enjoy it, Miss Wightman :)
Thursday 4th March - Today is World Book Day!
To celebrate, myself and Miss Wightman will be uploading a story for you to listen too every hour! I wonder which one will be your favourite?
Today is the last day for you to send your Extreme Reader photograph to me if you would like to enter the competition! I have some photographs to share with you a little bit later too! See information below about the competition :)
There is also a Baby Name Book front cover activity and competition over on Purple Mash too!
I hope you enjoy today's reading activities.
Miss Watson
World Book Day - Thursday 4th March
Hi everyone, to celebrate World Book Day 2021 I am going to run an Extreme Reader competition.
If you would like to take part I would like you to send me a photograph of yourself reading a book in a crazy, funny place! Somewhere where you wouldn't usually read a book! I have attached some examples below!
Please email your photograph to me by 6pm on Thursday the 4th March and I will choose my winner - the crazier and funnier the better!
You can send your photo to me via my school email (receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk) or via the Extreme Reader blog on Purple Mash.
It would be lovely to share your photo's with your friends so please write a comment if you are happy for me to post them onto the school website for everyone to see
See below for some examples!
Miss Watson
Extreme Reader ideas!
Ivy reading in the bath :)
Joining me for a read on the trampoline whilst it's nice and sunny :)
Good morning everyone, I hope you have had a lovely weekend. It has been really sunny where I live so we have spent lots of time outside at the park and playing in the garden
This week there is a definite theme of Art for the majority of your topic related activities (see below), I would love to see your work so please feel free to email me a photograph
Today's story is Night Monkey, Day Monkey - do you remember it from class? In Phonics we are learning the 'er' digraph and in Maths we are revisiting our work on 2D shapes and repeating patterns. In Talk for Writing we will be drawing our own story / instruction map, telling somebody how to make pitta bread pizzas. Did any of you make one last week?
I hope you have a great week.
Miss Watson
Talk for Writing - story / instruction map
How To Draw Pizza - Preschool
Why not have a go at drawing a cartoon pizza this week? I would love to see a photo! (receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk)
How to Make a Paper Plate Pizza Craft for Kids
Why not have a go at making a paper plate pizza this week? I would love to see a photo!
PE - How many of these throwing and catching activities can you complete successfully this week?
Night Monkey Day Monkey
Night monkey and Day monkey are the best of friends even though they sleep and play at different times - are you looking forward to seeing your friends again next week when you come back to school?
Monday Phonics - Today we are learning the digraph 'er,' join in with me :)
Monday Maths - 2D shape patterns
This week we are revisiting our work on 2D shape patterns. Can you name the shapes that I have used? Can you tell me which shape would be next in my pattern? Can you draw your own repeating pattern using 2D shapes?
26th February 2021
Good Morning Everyone
You have made it to the end of another week of home learning - I am so proud of how hard you have all worked!
Today's activities:
Phonics - phonics play grab a giggling grapheme game
Maths - count to 20 Youtube workout and missing number activity
3 activities on Purple Mash :)
Miss Watson
Secret Pizza Party
Secret Pizza PartyBy: Adam RubinIllustrated By: Daniel SalmieriRead By: Mrs. Amanda
Good morning Reception Why not have a go at making pitta bread pizzas for your lunch this week if you haven't already? I would love to see a photograph of them. Ivy and I made them last week and I can confirm they are delicious
I hope you enjoy today's phonics, maths and Purple Mash activities.
Miss Watson
Talk for Writing - Instructions - Making Pitta Bread Pizzas
Watch the video and see if you can join in with me! Why not try to make your own pitta bread pizzas this week by following my instructions?
I thought I would share my favourite story with you again :)
Tuesday Maths - Counting, recognising numbers and bingo :)
Hi everyone! Just a quick Guided Reading notice.
In order for the link to work, I have found copying and pasting it into the very top search bar on Google works. The book should then come onto your screen straight away.
If you are still having problems please let me know
Miss Watson
Monday 22nd February
Good Morning Reception, I hope you have had a lovely half term
In Talk for Writing we are going to learn how to follow instructions to make pitta bread pizzas! I have filmed a short video - please watch and join in. Why not have a go at making your own pitta bread pizzas this week? Make sure you wash your hands first :)
In Phonics we are practising to recognise all of our sounds through our popular Jolly Phonics song and in Maths we are practising our counting skills this week.
I have also uploaded a Joe Wicks PE session and cutting skills sheets where you can design your own pizza and healthy lunch!
On Purple Mash I have uploaded a link to your Guided Reading book for the week. All of the information is there for you, please let me know if you have any problems. My school email address is receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk
I hope you enjoy your activities.
Miss Watson
The Gingerbread Man
Which phrase is repeated over and over again? Can you join in with me?
Monday Phonics - Can you sing each song and do the action to match?
Jolly Phonics Songs in correct order! Letters and Sounds
Today we are having a screen free day with a range of activities that don't require a screen. I would love to see what you have been getting up too so please feel free to send me photo's either via our blog on Purple Mash or through an email to receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk
Please note that there is no requirement to print the supporting documents off. You could draw your own snakes and ladders game onto paper or cardboard for example
There is no requirement to take part in our screen free day. There will still be 3 activities over on Purple Mash for you to complete as normal, however our usual story, phonics and maths sessions will be missing from today's activities.
Well done for working so hard during lockdown I hope you enjoy your half term break.
Miss Watson
Here are 20 screen free activities for you to choose from. You can do as little or as many as you like, you may even like to do some of these activities in half term if you wish to do so :)
Thursday Maths - Addition. This is something brand new so please don't worry if you find it tricky, just try your best :)
Wednesday 10th February
Good morning everyone, do you have much snow in Carlisle? There is so much where I live!
Here are your activities for today
Please don't forget about this week's Art Task too. Scroll down to find out more information
Have a lovely day!
Miss Watson
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Can you join in with me? Have you seen any sticks, stones or leaves whilst out on your daily walk this week?
Wednesday Phonics - let's go through all of our flashcards and tricky words! Which new tricky word will we learn today?
Wednesday Maths with Miss Watson
Join in with me!
Tuesday 9th February
We have one more week until half term everybody - keep up the great work!
Please see details below regarding this week's fun Art Task for Miss Alexander
Fun in the Snow! I woke up to lots of snow this morning! Ivy found lots of sticks and loved making marks in the snow with them! She drew lots of lines and circles. Could you draw a picture of yourself in the snow and use that as part of your Art Task for this week? See information below if you haven't done so already :) please email your work to me on receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk :)
Whole School Art Task - This week Miss Alexander has challenged us to create a piece of art linked to the theme of Nature. She would like you to create a self portrait of yourself by using objects found outside e.g. stones, sticks, grass! I have attached some ideas for you below! If you take part in this week's Art challenge please send your photo's to me on receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk and I will forward them to Miss Alexander :) I would love to share your work with your friends so if you are happy for me to upload your child's work onto the website please let me know :)
Nature Scavenger Hunt - How many of these items can you find whilst out on your daily walk? Can you use them to create a self portrait of yourself? Send a photo to me on receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk - I would love to see them!
Can you find any of these bugs whilst out on your daily walk?
Tuesday Phonics - new digraph 'ow'
Tuesday Maths - counting the total of two groups with Miss Watson
Join in with me!
Number formation rhymes
Learn how to write the numbers 0-9. Number formation is important to learn correct the first time around. These catchy rhymes will really help our 'little pe...
Why not go out for a walk and see how many sticks or twigs you can find? You can then complete this fun, but messy craft idea!
Can you join in with the words and actions to our phonics song?
We're Going on a Leaf Hunt
Can you remember what colours the leaves are in Autumn? Can you see any leaves on the trees now? Some trees keep their leaves all year round, whereas others lose them in Autumn and they will grow back in Spring when the weather is slightly warmer :) What season is it now?
Monday Maths - join in with the 'more' and 'fewer' fun with Miss Watson!
Friday 5th February
Story: Ruby's Worry - How did Ruby make her worry disappear?
Phonics: A link to a new website called Espresso, I have attached a video showing you which game we are going to play today. I have also given you the username and password
Maths: Practise your estimating skills with the activities found on the home learning sheet
Story: The Colour Monster. This week it is Children's Mental Health Week. Each story that I post this week will allow you to think about your feelings and allow you to reflect about how different characters may be feeling.
Phonics: New digraph 'oo' and roll and read activity.
Maths: This week we will learn how to estimate. Today we focus on counting out loud, number recognition and counting objects - all through a fun number hunt with Miss Watson!
I will be calling you all on Tuesday this week to see how you are
5 topic activities to work your way through at your own pace:
- Just Dance
- Talk for Writing Story Map with Miss Watson
- Skittle Science Experiment
- Apple crisp cooking activity
- Push and pull sorting activity
Useful apps/games:
Teach Your Monster How to Read is a fantastic phonics game, designed like a computer game. I have had lots of fun playing the games and I am sure your child will too! The website version is free, however it it also available via an app.
Number blocks videos on Iplayer or Youtube
Alphablocks on Iplayer or Youtube
Oxford Owl Ebooks is a website where your child can read Guided Reading books Online. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/
You will need to make a free account and select Level 1 and 1+.
The Colour Monster
Monday Phonics - new digraph 'oo'
Join in with me!
Monday Phonics Activity - Roll a dice, find that number and read the word!
Thursday Maths - Can you find three objects, measure them using cubes, pasta or anything small, and then order them from shortest to tallest/longest? Use my photo to help you.
Here are your activities for Tuesday 26th January :) Don't forget about the topic related activities which you can choose from this week, and also our 3 daily Purple Mash activities too! I really look forward to seeing how well you have got on with each activity.
Have a lovely day.
Miss Watson
Jasper's Beanstalk
Do you know anymore stories that have a beanstalk in it? What do you think made the beanstalk grow?
Tuesday Phonics - let's learn our new digraph 'ee' together!
Join in with Miss Watson :)
Tuesday Phonics Game - Pick a PictureSound and blend the words and click on the matching picture :) Select the phase 3 option. Username: jan21 Password: home
I am going to start uploading 5 topic related activities and 1 Guided Reading video clip for you to access as you wish throughout the week, these activities will remain at the top of this class page each day :)
Today we are learning the 'ai' digraph in phonics, use mathematical language to describe size and height or length, and begin to learn our new Talk for Writing story - The Enormous Turnip.
Have lots of fun and stay safe!
Miss Watson
Week beginning the 25th January - Guided Reading - Listen to the story or pause each page and have a go at sounding and blending each word. Can you spot some of our tricky words?
The Enormous Turnip - our focus story for the next two weeks :)
Can you describe the turnip using a different word? How many people helped to pull up the turnip? Can you draw a picture of them in the order that they came to help?
Monday Phonics - Let's learn our new digraph together!
Can you find any objects that remind you of 3D shapes around your home? Try sorting them like I do in the video :)
Morning Reception!
Here are your new activities for Thursday 21st January, I hope you enjoy them.
Parents - I have written a new blog on Purple Mash explaining the expectation towards timings of activities being completed, please a take a read and leave a comment if you would like to ask any questions.
Miss Watson
I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato
Which foods do you not like? How could you change their name to make them sound more appealing?
Digraphs | Let's Learn About the Digraph th | Phonics Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann
Childrens Workout and Dance Video | Jump Start Jonny | Hey Hey Hey
Hi everyone!
Here are your new activities for Wednesday 20th January. We are learning new tricky words in Phonics, making repeating patterns with our 2D shapes in Maths, completing a cut and stick story map activity linked to The Little Red Hen and finding out how animals grow in Lesson 2 of our Science Unit.
I hope you enjoy all of the activities
Miss Watson
The Little Red Hen Makes Pizza
How is this story similar and different to the original?
The Little Red Hen story map activity - can you cut out the pictures and place them onto the story map in the order that they happened? You could draw your own version if you don't have a printer :)
Wednesday Science - Lesson 2 - On the Farm Growing Animals In today's lesson, we learn about how farm animals grow, including what different farm animals need to grow. We will also talk about what the words herbivore, carnivore and omnivore mean too. We end with a fun craft activity - I would love to see some photo's of your potato print chicks :)
Childrens Workout and Dance Video | Jump Start Jonny | Hey Hey Hey
Morning everyone
Today (Tuesday 19th January) we will continue to learn about 2D shapes in Maths by sorting different foods according to their 2D shape. We will learn the sound 'ch' in phonics, retell our edited version of The Little Red Hen and also take part in Lesson 1 of our Science Unit for the week, which is all about Farm Animals and their babies/offspring.
Why not start the day with a dance routine from Jump Start Jonny?
Miss Watson
Tuesday's Story Time - The Bumblebear
What was Norman's favourite food? What is your favourite food? How did Norman's favourite food get him into trouble? What did Norman do to become the hero?
Tuesday Phonics - sounds recap and new sound 'ch'
Jolly Phonics - Listen everyday to remind you of the sounds we have already learnt and also to have a sneak peak at new sounds!
Tuesday Maths - Can you sort the foods according to their 2D shape? If you don't have a printer you could draw the foods on pieces of paper and them sort them into their 2D shape.
Watch the Science video above and then complete the Animals and their Babies matching sheet. If you don't have a printer you could draw the animals and then draw lines to match. Send a photo to receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk or upload a photo to our blog on Purple Mash - I would love to see them!
Kids Dance and Exercise Video | Jump Start Jonny | Freeze
Hi everyone!
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I have uploaded some photo's of what I have been up too this weekend over on the blog on Purple Mash. It would be lovely if you could take a look and upload a photo of what you have been up too!
Here are your activities for Monday 18th January, don't forget to look at your new activities on Purple Mash too
Monday Maths - Sorting 2D shape video In this lesson, we will introduce the names and properties of some simple 2D shapes. We will use those properties to sort the shapes. During your daily exercise go on a 2D shape walk and spot shapes in the environment. Which 2D shapes can you spot inside your home?
Music! Can you learn The Little Red Hen number song this week?
Here are your activities for Friday 15th January, keep going, it's nearly the weekend!
I have written a blog post on Purple Mash, it would be great if you and your grown up could type a response to my question. This is another great way for us to keep in touch! I can't wait to read your comments
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Watson
Friday's story - Mog the Forgetful Cat
What does the word forgetful mean? Have you ever forgotten anything before?
Friday Phonics - Flashcard video
Can you say each sound with me? Parents this is a video from Lockdown number 1. We haven't learnt all of these sounds yet but it would be beneficial for your child to say them out loud with me :)
Thursday Science - Lesson 4 - Unit Staying Safe. Today's lesson is called Stop! Look! Listen!In today’s lesson you will be thinking about dangers in the environment, when you are out and about in your local neighbourhood. What dangers can you see on your way to school? Can you create or draw a safe space and send me a photo of it on receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk ?
I hope you are all okay, it has been lovely chatting to you and your parents this week. If I haven't managed to get hold of you don't worry as I will be making more phone calls this afternoon.
Here are our new activities for today. Tricky words is the focus for Phonics, I have a new ordering ladybirds maths game for you and we will continue to learn the story of The Little Red Hen and think about how to stay safe in Lesson 3 of Science.
Please feel free to email me any of the children's work on receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk - I would love to see it!
Miss Watson
Story time - The Ugly Five. Listen to the story and reflect on the question below.
Can you choose an animal who described themselves as ugly and choose another word to describe them, which will make them feel better?
Tuesday Talk for Writing - Lesson 2 - Story Mapping Today we will retell the story of The Little Red Hen and story map it. Please email me a copy of your story map on my school email address which is receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk
Tuesday Maths - Number formation - Can you use any construction materials that you have to create numbers from 0 - 10?
Physical Challenges! - #10 (the paper) - P.E. at home/school activity
Today's physical challenge!
Fine motor development | Playdough song | If you're happy and you know it
We will continue to squeeze and pinch our playdough everyday!
Hi everyone, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend!
Below are some brand new activities for you to complete on Monday 11th January. We are learning new sounds in Phonics, focussing on counting and number recognition in Maths and we start a brand new English Unit on The Little Red Hen :)
There is also a fun unit called Staying Safe to complete this week, as well as daily physical challenges and a weekly baking challenge!
There are four new activities over on Purple Mash too :)
In regards to Guided Reading, you can find online versions by visiting Oxford Owl and finding the e books. Your child will be on a pink or red book. I will post the link below :)
I will be phoning you all this week for a quick catch up so I am really looking forward to that :)
Monday Maths - How old are you? How old will you be on your birthday? Ask a grown up to read out the number rhyme and practise writing these numbers correctly :)
Fine motor development | Playdough song | If you're happy and you know it
Your child will need some playdough or something they can pinch and squeeze!
Physical Challenges! - #1 (the shoe) - P.E. at home/school activity
A world full of challenges! - PE challengesThe first challenge (and one of the hardest ones, they say). You only need a shoe for this one. You can also use a...
We have made it to the end of the week :) Below are your activities for Friday 8th January, please remember to check out the new activities which I have uploaded onto Purple Mash too!
If you have any questions please email me on the following address: receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Watson
Friday story time - Wow! Said the Owl
Friday phonics - x
Friday phonics - I spy! A recap of all the sounds we have learnt this week, and a sneek peak at some of the sounds we will learn next week!
Below you will find new activities for Thursday 7th January. There are 4 new activities for you to complete on Purple Mash too. I hope you are enjoying the activities. Well done to those of you who have been completing all of your activities so far!
If you need your Purple Mash log in details please phone school or email me on my school address which is: receptionhw@brookst.cumbria.sch.uk
Likewise, if you need help with anything please drop me an email, I will be checking this email account regularly during school hours.
Create your own toy shop! Use 1p coins, counters or any object around your house that you can use to count with to pretend to pay for different objects. Can you count out the correct number?
Below I have attached all of the activities that I would like you to complete on Tuesday 5th January. There is a combination of phonics, maths, reading and foundation subjects such as physical activity and cooking!
I have also uploaded 3 activities onto Purple Mash which I will respond too once they have been completed. They have to be completed by 2.45pm.
Each day new activities will be available for you on this class page and via Purple Mash.
1 to 30 and 30 to 1 | Jack Hartmann Count to 30 | Counting Song
Jack Hartmann's 1-30 and 30-1 video teaches the skill of counting forward and backwards from 1 to 30 and 30 to 1. Count forward by 1's to 30 and exercise a...
Tuesday's physical challenge - follow the instructions on the cards :)
Christmas Party Day 2020 - We had so much fun today playing musical statutes, musical bumps, pin the nose on Rudolph and enjoying our yummy party food!
Jolly Phonics Songs in correct order! Letters and Sounds
Here is our phonics song that we sing everyday at school to help us learn our sounds. We are up to 'l' at the moment :)
We have been learning how to double numbers in maths this week :)
Boat Making - Miss Watson challenged us to make a boat that would float and not get Bill wet!
Children In Need - take a look at all of the fun activities that we took part in for Children in Need 2020
Remembrance Day Activities - We watched a video on Cbeebies about why we celebrate Remembrance Day. We talked about the colours that we can see on a Poppy and what they represent. We then made Poppies in lots of different creative ways :)
Making bird feeders - Our Talk for Writing focus this half term is Owl Babies. We discussed different types of birds and what they might like to eat. The children practised their threading skills by making their very own bird feeder to take home. I have asked the children to look closely every day to see if any of the cheerios have disappeared!
Halloween - This week we have explored mixing red and yellow to make orange for our pumpkins, explored the inside of a pumpkin and decorated our own Halloween biscuits! Don't they look yummy?
We have been learning a song called Autumn Colours. We performed it as a class and Miss Clark filmed us. Unfortunately, the file is too big to upload as I would have loved for you to have watched it too. I will keep working on it :) Miss Watson
Scissor skills - developing how we hold scissors correctly whilst cutting out pictures for our Autumn crowns
TEAM WORK - Autumn rolling and problem solving proved to be a huge hit today!
Hello everyone :)
What a busy couple of weeks we have had in Reception! All of the children have settled in really well and have enjoyed getting to know each other and their new classroom.
Every Monday afternoon the children will be taking part in Physical Education (PE) activities in the PE hall. Please ensure that earrings are not worn on this day. Your child's PE kit lives on their peg and they are encouraged to get dressed and undressed independently. The children really enjoyed their first session this week and wanted to go back again on Tuesday!
We have talked a lot about Autumn this week and the changes that come with it - take a look at what we have been up too below.
Miss Watson
Autumn - This week we have talked about the changes we can see in Autumn. We read the story 'Leaf Man' and then created our very own pictures using conkers and Autumn leaves.
Autumn Leaves - We read the story 'We're Going on a Leaf Hunt' and decided to go on our own leaf hunt! We then sorted the leaves according to their colour. We have also been learning to sing a new song called Autumn Colours too :)
Hello everyone!
I am really excited to meet you all properly on Thursday and Friday this week. We are going to have lots of fun getting to know each other and exploring the classroom and outdoor space! Please check your letter for your arrival and pick up times.
This week I have posted The Very Hungry Caterpillar. This week I have been doing lots of gardening and I found 3 green caterpillars. Which minibeasts can you find outside?
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