Home Page

Year 1 (Miss Dixon)

Welcome to our Year 1 class page! 


Staff in Year 1: 

Teacher: Miss Dixon

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Prudham, Miss McGuffie and Miss Lamb


Year one have been working incredibly hard this year and we want to share our learning experiences with you.

Below, you will find a range of photos taken throughout the year.  Enjoy!smiley



Star pupil and handwriting Hero this week .... Well done

Happy Easter from Year1


We have had a lovely last day of term making Easter nests (and eating them) making Easter crafts and finally creating Easter cards. 


Well done to all the children for working exceptionally hard this term. We at Brook Street are proud of how far the children have come on their individual educational journeys. 


Enjoy two weeks off and see you on Tuesday 19th April 2022. 

Happy Easter

Watercolour Painting- Observational drawings of daffodils. The children worked very hard to draw the flowers as well as create different tones using water colours.

Art ~ Painting with water colours 22.03.22 - We have been learning how to shade /tone colours from dark to light using water colour paints.

Red Nose Day 2022 - Decorating Biscuits Activity

Star pupil and handwriting hero this week... Well done to...

Star Pupil and Handwriting Hero This Week

Reading - Reading a an important part of learning. We enjoy reading daily in year one

World Book Day 4.3.2022

PJ Day & Importance of Reading


For world book day 2022 we are exploring the importance of reading for future careers and jobs. In year one we had the fire service visit us to talk about the importance of being able to read within their role and also what their job entails. 


The fire service kindly gifted us a story called 'Frances the Firefly'. The children learnt the importance of not playing with matches. The children listened to the fire fighter reading the story. 


After that, we went outside to look at the fire engine. It was exciting! We listened to the siren and learnt about how they rescue people and animals. 



In the afternoon, a local author called Jennifer Clarke who wrote the story, 'The Bad Tempered Dragon' came into school to read us her story. 


Throughout the day, each member of staff, from the year one class, read the children their favourite story.


It was been an amazing busy day. smiley




World Book Day 2022 - PJ day and the importance of reading

Tullie House Trip - Toys over time

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