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Year 1 (Mrs Simpson)

Summer Term

13th July 2020


So, this is our very last week of the school year.  It's been lovely to see some of you in school, and hopefully we can enjoy some sunshine for our last week before we break up for the summer holidays.

Can you believe you're going to be leaving year 1 and moving into year 2?  It doesn't seem such a long time ago that you were starting in nursery and reception.  I'm hoping you've seen the letter on the webpage from Mr Bursnall to let you know who your teacher is next year.  You are going to be with Mrs Taylor, and you will have Mrs Marlow and Mrs Kirkpatrick in your classroom to help too.  I'm sure they will all be busy planning lots of lovely things for you to do next year.


Your activities for this week are over on Ms Liddle's page again, so check in there and see what you can do this week.  If we don't see you in school this week, your new teacher will be giving you a ring to talk to you before the holidays.


Mrs Beattie

Summer 2 Week 6 - 6th July 2020


Hi everyone


We’re nearly at the end of our school year already.  Many of the year 1 children are back in school for the last two weeks.  This means Miss Liddle is very busy teaching them.  Mrs Simpson is resting as home waiting for baby Simpson to arrive.  For the next two weeks, I will be setting some work for you all to do at home.  It would be great to see if you can complete some of the activities.

I’ve been very busy during lockdown, teaching my own children at home, and working in the hub at school.  It’s very quiet without you all there but hopefully we can all be back together in September.


Have fun with some of the activities and I’ll post some more for the last week.


 Have a look on Miss Liddle's class page to find all the activities for you for the last 2 weeks.


Mrs Beattie

Summer 2 - Week 5  29th June 2020


Hi year 1. I hope you are all well and have had a lovely week in school or doing your home learning. There's still no news on baby Simpson, however I will keep you all updated! I hope to see you all very soon and missing you all!


Story: Pirates Love Underpants (Claire Feedman and Ben Court)

English: You will be continuing activities around the Talk 4 Writing unit called Sayeeda: The Pirate Princess.

Spellings: See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge. There will be 10 spellings in total.

Phonics: This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be revising the alternate -ear phonemes. As well as this, can you practise reading and spelling some of the year 1 high frequency words. Miss Liddle's group will be looking at -er and -ow phonemes this week.

Maths: This week's maths activities will involve creating and continuing repeating patterns and sorting shapes into given criteria. 

Life skills: The  life skills challenge card and activities this week will be about plants. This challenge will last for two weeks. (21.6.20 & 29.6.20)

Quiz: This week's quiz will be based on our science topic; animals including humans. I will upload the answers from the geography quiz from last week too.

Pirates love underpants - Books Alive!

Books Alive! presents a reading of Claire Freedman and Ben Cort's hilarious addition to the Underpants series is full of pirates, sharks and treasure. You'll...

Summer 2 week 4 - 22.6.20


Hi year 1. I hope you have had a great week whether you have been in school or continuing with your home learning. Baby Simpson is going to be making an appearance in the next few weeks, so hopefully I will be able to give you some good news very soon. 

Good luck with your home learning activities this week!


Story: Commotion in the Ocean (by Giles Andreae)

English: You will be continuing activities around the Talk 4 Writing unit called Sayeeda: The Pirate Princess.

Spellings: See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge. There will be 10 spellings in total.

Phonics: This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be revising learning from phase 5 so far. I will attach a booklet for you to complete throughout the week, as well as some tricky word PowerPoints. If you feel you need to recap phases 3 and 4, I will attach activities for these also. Miss Liddle's group will be learning the alternate phonemes for 'c' and 'u'. 

Maths: This week's maths activities will involve comparing length, weight/mass of objects as well as measuring them.

Life skills: The new life skills challenge card and activities this week will be about plants. This challenge will last for two weeks. (21.6.20 & 29.6.20)

Quiz: This week's quiz will be based on our geography topic about our local area. I will upload the answers from the seasons quiz from last week too.

Commotion In The Ocean by Giles Andreae

A delightful collection of short poems about creatures that live under or near the ocean.

Spellings - week 4 22.6.20

Quiz - Geography:Our Local Area 22.6.20 (plus answers from last week)

Summer 2 week 3 - 15.6.20


Hello everyone, I hope you have had a lovely week. Are you still working hard? I am eager to find out what you have all been up to over the last few weeks and I hope it isn't to long before I do.

I have attached some new home learning activities for you to complete at home below. Good Luck!


Story: Aliens Love Underpants!

English: You will be completing a brand new Talk 4 Writing unit called Sayeeda: The Pirate Princess.

Spellings: See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge. There will be 10 spellings in total.

Phonics: This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be completing activities around the alternate -ow phonemes and tricky words thought, through, work and mouse. Miss Liddle's group will be learning the aletrnate phonemes for -i and -g. Activities for each group will be attached.

Maths: Finding the difference between two numbers and counting on and back from different numbers. I will also attach the answers from last week's maths activities.

Life skills: Two week challenge card based on a recycling theme (week 2)

Quiz: This week's quiz will be based on our science unit on seasons. I will upload the answers from the art quiz from last week too.

Aliens Love underpants - Books Alive! Read Aloud book for kids

Books Alive! Read aloud Claire Freedman and Ben Cort's super funny tale of how Aliens nick our knickers!

Spellings - Summer 2 week 3

Miss Liddle's phonics group videos

Still image for this video

phonics g phoneme video compressed.mp4

Still image for this video

Mrs Simpson's phonics group video

Still image for this video

Quiz - Summer 2 week 3 (and last week's answers)

Summer 2 Week 2 - Monday 8th June 2020


Hello Year 1. How has your week been? It was lovely to speak to some of you this week. I will try and contact those of you I did not manage to speak to again next week.

We managed to visit Derwent Water at the weekend before the weather changed. It was lovely and very quiet! 




This week's activities:


English: You will be completing the final week of work based on Pippety Skycap: A Tale of Mischief.

Spellings: See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge. There will be 10 spellings in total.

Phonics: This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be Alternate -oo phoneme and tricky words water, where, there and again. Miss Liddle's group will be learning the u-e split digraph. Activities for each group will be attached.

Maths: Problem solving including multiplication, arrays and division. I will also attach the answers from last week's maths activities.

Life skills: Two week challenge card based on a recycling theme.

Quiz: This week's quiz will be based on an art unit. I will upload the answers from the history quiz from last half term too.

Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds video

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group u_e split digraph video

Still image for this video

Spellings - Summer 2 week 2

Art Quiz - Summer 2 week 2 (plus history quiz answers)

Summer 2 Week 1 - Monday 1st June 2020


Hello everyone. I hope you all had a lovely half term. We have been very lucky with the weather again over the past few days. We have been enjoying lots of time in the garden and even had the paddling pool out!


This week I have set some English and Maths work only and hopefully this will ease you back into the second half of the summer term!


English - This week's English tasks are attached. You will be continuing tasks from the Pippety Skycap Talk 4 Writing unit.

Maths - This week's maths tasks are sequencing events in chronological order and solving practical problems involving time. I will also attach the answers from your maths activities from Summer 1 Week 6.



Half Term Week - 25th May 2020


Hello everyone. I hope you have had a lovely week and still staying safe at home, even though the weather has not been too great has it? I have my fingers crossed the sun will be shining next week.

I have attached ten activities for you to complete this week! Still missing you all lots and hope to see you all soon.


Mrs Simpson 



Ten activities to complete over half term!

Summer Term Week 6


Hello everyone! How are you all doing this week? I can't believe we are coming towards the end of the first half of the summer term. Time is flying, however I am still missing you all and really hope it isn't too long before things begin to get back to normal. 

I hope you have enjoyed the activities that were set last week, I will add some more for you to do this week! Take care, stay safe and look after each other!


This week, Penelope and I built a cardboard house and began to colour it in. It seemed to be taking quite a while to colour so we are going to have a go at painting it instead!





Activities for Week 6 


Ten Activities to do at home - Can you complete some new challenges in and around your home this week? How many can you complete?

Story - Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson 

English - Pippety Skycap: A Tale of Mischief. Complete the activities on this week's planning sheet.

Phonics - Mrs Simpson's group will be learning the alternate -m phonemes (m, mm, mb) and learning the tricky words come, some, were and who. Complete the activities for each. Remember to go through the speed sounds video before completing your activities.

Miss Liddle's group will be learning the -i-e and -o-e split digraphs and completing the activities.

Spellings - Please complete your spellings for week 6. Can you get full marks this week or beat your score from last week?

Reading -  Go onto Oxford Reading Owl and read two books at your level this week. 

Maths - This week, you maths challenges will involve using your knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. Have a look at this week's activities, complete them and then take a look at the answers from last week's activities.

Quiz - This week's quiz will test your knowledge on The Great Fire of London from our History topic in the Autumn term. I will also attach the answer's from last week's design and technology quiz. Good Luck!


Ten activities to do at home this week - week 6

Tyrannosaurus Drip | Bedtime Stories for kids

Tyrannosaurus Drip is the brilliantly fun book about a baby dinosaur that wakes up in the wrong nest!

Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group i_e split digraph

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group o_e digraph

Still image for this video

Spellings week 6

Quiz week 6 - The Great Fire of London (and last week's answers)

Summer Term week 5


Hello everyone. How has your week been? Hasn't the weather been beautiful? I am hoping the sunshine stays for a while! I hope you have all managed to keep busy as well as staying safe this week. 

Here are some photos from my week...


Penelope has been doing some home learning this week as well as taking time out to enjoy the sunshine! We also celebrated VE day in our garden with scones and homemade gingerbread! They were delicious. It was lovely to see so many people celebrating as well as keeping their distance. Penelope wore her 'We're all in this together' T-shirt. The money raised from these T-shirts go towards the NHS!


Stay safe everyone and keep smiling. I am missing you all lots and can't wait to see you all!


                                                                                     Penelope enjoying an ice lolly whilst cooling down!



Mrs Simpson's homemade gingerbread!


Did you all see the beautiful double rainbow last week? Mrs Simpson's friend sent her this from her house just outside of Carlisle!


We enjoyed our daily exercise to the river...                       


...and past our local church!



Home learning tasks this week


Ten Things to do at home this week - There are some new and exciting challenges this week. How many can you complete?


Story - This week's story is called Mog and the Baby by Judith Kerr (Read by Mrs Simpson)


English - We are beginning a new Talk 4 Writing unit this week called Pippety Skycap: A Tale of Friendship.


Spellings - Can you achieve 5 out of 5 or challenge yourself to get 10 out of 10 this week? A new list of spellings will be attached.


Phonics - Mrs Simpson's group will be learning about the alternate -ch phonemes (ch, tch, ture) as well as learning to spell the phase 5 tricky words oh, their and people.


Maths - This week in maths, our activities will involve describing position and direction (including left and right turns). Take a look at the video as this will show you how to do it! The second activity involves telling the time to the nearest half hour (by drawing the hands on a clock face). There is also a login sheet attached. This will allow you to log onto the Twinkl page to complete a 'number bonds to 20 game'.

I will also attach the answers from last week's activities!


Quiz - This week's quiz will be based on the design and technology unit we did during the autumn term. We used our knowledge from our science topic on materials to build houses for the three little pigs! Have a go at this week's quiz. I will pop the answers up next week.

Ten Things to do at home this week

Story - Mog and the Baby by Judith Kerr (Read by Mrs Simpson)

Still image for this video

English week 5 - Pippety Skycap: A Tale of Friendship

Spellings week 5

Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group a_e video

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group e_e video

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle - Position, direction and time

Still image for this video
Watch Miss Liddle modelling how to complete your activity on directions from your kitchen to your bedroom!

Cha Cha Slide Kids Dance

Have a go at the Cha Cha Slide. This will help you with this week's maths activities. Get your family to join in!

Summer Term Week 4 


Hello year 1. I hope you have all had a great week and are still staying at home to keep yourselves and others safe?

Have you all had a busy week? I certainly have as I celebrated a very special birthday this week. It was a very different birthday, however I had a lovely, memorable day with my family. My mum made me my favourite pavlova for my birthday cake! Here are some photos of my week...





Mrs Bulman has also been a busy bee this week. She has been baking cheese scones and chocolate brownies which looked delicious! She has also been creating some fantastic handmade cushions and storage boxes.







Tasks for week 4


Ten things to do this week at home: Can you complete some or all of the challenges? Try something new this week!


Story time: This week's story is the classic fairytale The Gingerbread man read by Mrs Simpson.


English: Complete your weekly tasks for the story Sydney the Spider: A Tale of Friendship.


Spellings: I have attached some new spellings for this week. Have a go and see how many you can spell correctly. Can you complete the challenge and get 10 out of 10?


Maths: This week your tasks involve measuring the capacity of household containers in non-standard and standard units of measure and then solving problems on capacity. I will also attach the answers from last week's maths challenges.



Mrs Simpson's group will be learning to spell the tricky words have, so, said and like. These words are tricky words because we just need to know how to spell them. They may sound different to how they look. We will also be learning about the alternate -oa phonemes. I will attach the activities under the phonics section.


Miss Liddle's group will be learning the -au and -ey phonemes. There will be activities attached for these also, including reading and phoneme spotters.


Quiz: I will be adding a quiz each week based on learning we have already done in year 1 since the beginning of the year. One of our first science units we learned about was 'materials'. Have a go at the quiz and see what you can remember! I will attach the answers next week! Good luck!


Ten things to do at home this week!

The Gingerbread Man

Still image for this video

Spellings week 4

What Makes Ten?

Practice your facts to ten with this song!

Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds video

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group au phoneme

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group ey phoneme

Still image for this video

Quiz - Materials (science)

Week 3

Hello Year 1!


How are you all this week? I was lovely to hear from you on Tuesday. Although I didn't manage to catch everyone, it was great to hear what you have all been up to and working hard with work you have been given on our class page!

It has been lovely to have so much sunshine this past week or so, however I hope you've all been superstars staying at home and keeping yourselves and your families safe.


I have been busy this week also. Penelope and I have been planting some seeds and watching our pea pods grow! They are really tall already, I think the sunshine has been helping. We also planted parsley, beetroot, pansies and peppers. We can't wait to see them grow. 

We have also been baking this week! Chocolate brownie, a firm favourite in the Simpson household!


Also, Miss Mellor celebrated her birthday on 24th April so we made her a card! Penelope created the butterfly using paint on her feet! It was so easy and something you could do at home!





For week 3, I have added some tasks for you to be getting on with this week! Keep up the great work!


Ten Things you can do at home - See if you can complete as many challenges as you can this week!


Story - The Graffalo's Child by Julia Donaldson

My uncle has created the most fantastic 'Gruffalo's Child' using a saw and an old tree stump! This inspired my story this week!





English - Sydney Spider: A Tale of Friendship

There is a weekly plan attached for you to follow with lots of exciting activities, including a quiz about the story, learning the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy Spider with actions, finding out the meanings of new words and helping Sydney Spider to use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces correctly as well as beautiful, cursive handwriting.


Spellings - Practise your spellings for this week. Once you have completed these, see if you can challenge yourself by learning to spell the trickier ones!


Maths - This week in maths, you have two tasks. One task is to use your knowledge of number bonds to 20 to complete addition and subtraction sums. Your second task is to interpret data in a block diagram and read the data to answer questions. I have also attached the answers from last week's (week 2) actvities.



This week, Mrs Simpson's phonics group must watch the video and practise the speed sounds we have learned so far. Remember, you can watch the video as many times as you need to and this is a great way to begin each phonics session! This week, my group will be learning to spell the alternate phonemes for -f and -ee.

Miss Liddle's group  will be learning the phonemes '-oe' and '-ew' as well as completing the activities. Remember to check the group list so you complete the correct activities.


Ten things to do at home this week (week 3)

The Gruffalo's Child (Julia Donaldson) - Read by Mrs Simpson

Still image for this video
This week, my uncle created his very own 'Gruffalo's Child' out of an old tree stump. This inspired my choice of story this week!

English week 3 - Sydney Spider: A Tale of Friendship

Spellings week 3

What Makes Ten?

Practice your facts to ten with this song!

Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's group oe phoneme

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's group ew phoneme

Still image for this video

Hello Year 1, I hope you all had a lovely Easter with your families. I bet you have eaten lots of chocolate! We have been trying to do lots of baking with the Easter eggs we have left over! 

I hope you are all safe and well and have been helping the grown ups at home. Have you managed to complete the ten activities I set last week? How did you get on?


As we are well into the first half of the summer term, I have attached some phonics, English, Maths, spellings and a story for you all to watch and listen to.


Ten Things to do this week - I have attached another ten activities to complete this week at home! Try and complete as many as you can! I can't wait to hear about what you have all been up to when we return to school!


Spellings - There are 5 spellings for each of you to learn this week. Perhaps you could practise these with a grown up or older sibling? If you would like to have a go at some more challenging spellings, these are also at the bottom of the page. Can you get 10 out of 10?


English - For English this week, I have attached a year 1 Talk 4 Writing unit about the story 'Sydney the Spider'. There is also a planning sheet with daily activities for you all to have a go at!


Maths - This week in maths, we are working on improving our knowledge of place value and activities include number recognition, partitioning two digit numbers, matching numbers and words up to 20 and adding and subtracting 10 to and from numbers. Miss Liddle has attached a video onto her class page to show you methods we have already learned in class to work out your answers!


Phonics - This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be looking at the alternate graphemes for -ai (ai, ay, a-e, eigh and a)  and -igh (igh, ie, i-e, y and i).  I have also attached a list of groups, some of you are in my group (Mrs Simpson) and some will be in Miss Liddle's group. So make sure you check this so you are  completing the correct activities. 


This week's video story - We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. Enjoy!

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt For a quarter of a century, readers have been swishy-swashying and splash-sploshing through the award-winning favourite pictur...

Spellings: Summer Term 1 week 2

What Makes Ten?

Here is a short video to help you practise your number bonds to ten! You could maybe do this with one of your family members? Have a go!

Miss Liddle's phonics group lesson 1

Still image for this video

Miss Liddle's phonics group lesson 2

Still image for this video

Activities to complete at home (week commencing 6th April 2020)

Hello year 1, I hope you are all well and keeping safe. 


I have attached another sheet with ten new activities on for week 3 (6th April) and hope you have lots of fun completing these! Set yourself a challenge to complete as many as possible!


I have also tried to keep busy at home. Penelope and I have been doing lots of baking. We made some delicious cakes and Penelope decided she wanted to leave some on our neighbours doorsteps. They were very grateful!


We have also been walking our dog Lola each day, which means we are also completing our daily exercise. However we have had to make sure we keep ourselves safe and stay at home as much as possible.


I am missing you all, and hope it isn't too long before we are back at school!


Mrs Simpson



Ten Things to do this week (week commencing 31st March 2020)

Here are some challenges for you to complete this week!

Hello Year 1 :)


We hope you are all okay and are staying inside safe!


We will be posting on here each week to let you know what we have been up to and sharing ideas and challenges for you to do at home.


There is a video from all of the teachers on the whole school page with some top tips to help you in this first week, take a look!


Miss Liddle and Mrs Simpson

01228 558724