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Year 1 (Miss Liddle)

Summer Term

13th July 2020


So, this is our very last week of the school year.  It's been lovely to see some of you in school, and hopefully we can enjoy some sunshine for our last week before we break up for the summer holidays.

Can you believe you're going to be leaving year 1 and moving into year 2?  It doesn't seem such a long time ago that you were starting in nursery and reception.  I'm hoping you've seen the letter on the webpage from Mr Bursnall to let you know who your teacher is next year.  You are going to be with Mrs Taylor, and you will have Mrs Marlow and Mrs Kirkpatrick in your classroom to help too.  I'm sure they will all be busy planning lots of lovely things for you to do next year.


Your activities for this week are just below, so have alook and see what you can do this week.  If we don't see you in school this week, your new teacher will be giving you a ring to talk to you before the holidays.


Mrs Beattie


Phonics: You have finished all of the phonemes and graphemes that you need to do.  I've attached some fun phonics games and activities to practise and re-cap this week.


English: Continue with the "Bob the Bubble" work.  Did you enjoy the story?  Which activities did you do last week?  Choose different ones to complete this week.


Maths: This week's maths activities will involve re-capping some of the work you have been doing this term.


Topic Challenge Card: Please continue with the activities I have set on the topic of Seasons. Please complete the 10 challenges I have set you over the next 2 weeks to learn as much about seasons as you can. I have attached the challenge card and some resources to help you compete the activities below.

Summer 2 Week 6 (6th July 2020)


Hi everyone

We’re nearly at the end of our school year already.  Many of the year 1 children are back in school for the last two weeks.  This means Miss Liddle is very busy teaching them.  For the next two weeks, I will be setting some work for you all to do at home.  It would be great to see if you can complete some of the activities.

I’ve been very busy during lockdown, teaching my own children at home, and working in the hub at school.  It’s very quiet without you all there but hopefully we can all be back together in September.

Have fun with some of the activities and I’ll post some more for the last week.

Mrs Beattie


Phonics: This week we are looking at the alternate pronunciation for the graphemes “a”, “y”, “ch” and “ou”.  The tricky words for spelling practise are: “many”, “laughed”, “because”, “different”, “any”, “eyes”, “friends”, “once”, “please”.


English: Ove the last two weeks of school you can look at our new topic "Bob the Bubble".  Have a read of the story.  You can choose the activities that you would like to do from the booklet.


Spellings:  I've attached a spelling and handwriting booklet to help you to practise your tricky words.  You can either print it out or copy the words onto plain paper.


Maths: This week's maths activities will involve re-capping some of the work you have been doing this term.


Topic Challenge Card: Please continue with the activities I have set on the topic of Seasons. Please complete the 10 challenges I have set you over the next 2 weeks to learn as much about seasons as you can. I have attached the challenge card and some resources to help you compete the activities below.


Summer 2, week 5


Hello everyone, I hope you have had a lovely week!


I have uploaded lots of new activities for you to complete this week.


Phonics: This week, Miss Liddle's group will be learning the 'er' grapheme and the alternate pronunication for the 'ow' grapheme . This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be revising the alternate -ear phonemes. As well as this, can you practise reading and spelling some of the year 1 high frequency words.


English: Please continue with the Talk 4 Writing unit about Sayeeda: The Pirate Princess. I have uploaded the activities I would like you to complete this week.


Spellings:  There are another 10 spellings for you this week. See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge.


Maths: This week's maths activities will involve creating and continuing repeating patterns and sorting shapes into given criteria. 


Quiz: This week's quiz will be based on our science topic; animals including humans. I will upload the answers from the geography quiz from last week too.


Topic Challenge Card: Please continue with the activities I have set on the topic of plants. Please complete the 10 challenges I have set you over the next 2 weeks to learn as much about plants as you can. I have attached the challenge card and some resources to help you compete the activities below.


Summer 2, week 4


Hello everyone, I hope you have had a great week at home and you've completed lots of home learning activities.


I am really excited to see the children who are in my bubble this week as we begin to return to school! I'm sure the children who are in Miss Hawkins bubble will have lots of fun too and if you are continuing to stay at home I will upload some fun activities for you to complete at home below smiley


Phonics: This week, Miss Liddle's group will be learning the alternate phonemes for -c and -u. Mrs Simpson's group will be recapping all of the phase 5 learning you have done.Activities for each group will be attached. 


English: Please continue with the Talk 4 Writing unit about Sayeeda: The Pirate Princess. I have uploaded the activities I would like you to complete this week.


Spellings:  There are another 10 spellings for you this week. See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge.


Maths: This week we are focusing on measuring the length and weight of objects around the house. Can you find objects that are longer, shorter, heavier and lighter than each other?


Topic Challenge Card: Our new topic for the next two weeks is Plants. Please complete the 10 challenges I have set you over the next 2 weeks to learn as much about plants as you can. I have attached the challenge card and some resources to help you compete the activities below.


Quiz: This week's quiz will be based on our Geography Unit about where we live. How much can you remember?

I will also upload the answers to last week's quiz about seasons.

Miss Liddle'es phonics group videos

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phonics u phoneme video compressed.mp4

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Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds video

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Summer 2, week 3


Hello everyone, I hope you have had another lovely week. I hope it isn't too long before I get to see you all now and I am eager to see the work you have all been completing.

Good luck with these new home learning activities for this week!


Story: Tyrannosaurus Drip


Phonics: This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be completing activities around the alternate -ow phonemes and tricky words thought, through, work and mouse. Miss Liddle's group will be learning the alternate phonemes for -i and -g. Activities for each group will be attached.


English: You will be completing a brand new Talk 4 Writing unit called Sayeeda: The Pirate Princess. I have uploaded the new unit and the activities I would like you to complete this week.


Spellings: See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge. There will be 10 spellings in total.


Maths: Finding the difference between two numbers and counting on and back from different numbers. I will also attach the answers from last week's maths activities.


Life skills: Please carry on completing all 10 of the activities linked to our recycling theme.


Quiz: This week's quiz will be based on our science unit on seasons. How much can you remember?

Tyrannosaurus Drip | Bedtime Stories for kids

Miss Liddle's phonics group videos

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phonics g phoneme video compressed.mp4

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Mrs Simpson's phonics group video

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Summer 2, Week 2


Hello everyone :) how has your week been? It was lovely to hear from most of you this week, I enjoyed talking to you about what you have been doing at home. It's great to hear you are all still having lots of fun, but I understand that you are starting to miss your school friends now. I miss you all lots too!


I have been in school again this week with the key worker children, we have been completing our home learning tasks, playing dominoes, practising drawing and doing some Yoga and dancing.


This week's activities:

Phonics: This week, Mrs Simpson's group will be learning the alternate -oo phoneme and tricky words water, where, there and again. Miss Liddle's group will be learning the u-e split digraph and recapping all of the split digraphs we have learned. Activities for each group will be attached.


English: You will be completing the final week of work based on Pippety Skycap: A Tale of Mischief.

Spellings: See if you can beat your score from last week and complete the challenge. There will be 10 spellings in total.


Spellings: How many can you get correct this week? Keep practising them to improve your score throughout the week!


Maths: This week we are solving problems including multiplication, arrays and division. I will also attach the answers from last weeks maths activities.


Life skills: This half term we are changing our 10 weekly activities to do at home to 10 activities based on a topic which we would be learning in school at the moment. The topic for the next 2 weeks is recycling. There is a challenge card with 10 activities for you to complete based on this topic to help you learn more about helping the planet. Try and complete all of these activities, remember you have 2 weeks to do them all!


Miss Liddle

phonics u_e video compressed.mp4

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Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds.mp4

Still image for this video

Summer 2 Week 1


Hello everyone smiley


 I hope you all had a lovely half term and enjoyed the lovely weather. I have have been enjoying lots of time in the garden, going on some lovely walks and even a swim in the river! Have a look at where I have been walking in the pictures below.


To ease you back into doing a little bit of work each day after the half term holiday break I have only set some English and Maths work for you to complete this week.


English - This weeks English tasks are attached. You will be continuing tasks from the Pippety Skycap Talk 4 Writing unit.


Maths - This weeks maths tasks are sequencing events in chronological order and solving practical problems involving time.


I will also attach the answers from your maths activities from Summer 1 Week 6.

Summer Half Term


Hi everyone, happy half term!


I hope you are all still well and having fun at home, I can't believe we haven't seen each other for 2 months now! I am missing you all lots and hopefully it won't be too long before I can find out all the exciting things you have been doing at home.


As it is half term this week I haven't set any learning activities for you, just 10 more activities for you have a go at this week. I hope you have fun completing them all!


Miss Liddle

10 activities to complete at home during half term

Summer Term, Week 6


Hello everyone :)


How are you all this week? I hope you are all well and still smiling. This week is the last week of the half term, I can't believe we have been learning from home for 6 weeks! I hope you are having a go at the activities each week and enjoying them as you will need all these skills when we get back to school. I am still missing you and hope we can safely get back to school soon.


This week I have been looking after the key worker children at Upperby school again. We made sure to do some of the work on our class pages in the mornings and then spent the afternoons doing crafts and playing outside. Even though the weather isn't as nice anymore it was still fun!


Remember to be superstars, stay safe and look after each other!


Miss Liddle

Activities for Week 6 


Ten Activities to do at home - Can you complete some new challenges in and around your home this week? How many can you complete?

Story - Puss in Boots, read by Miss Liddle

English - Pippety Skycap: A Tale of Mischief. Complete the activities on this week's planning sheet.

Phonics - Mrs Simpson's group will be learning the alternate -m phonemes (m, mm, mb) and learning the tricky words come, some, were and who. Complete the activities for each. Remember to go through the speed sounds video before completing your activities.

Miss Liddle's group will be learning the i-e and o-e split digraphs and completing the activities.

Spellings - Please complete your spellings for week 6. Can you get full marks this week or beat your score from last week?

Reading -  Go onto Oxford Reading Owl and read two books at your level this week. 

Maths - This week, you maths challenges will involve using your knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. Have a look at this week's activities, complete them and then take a look at the answers from last weeks activities.

Quiz - This weeks quiz is based on the Design and Technology we did in the Autumn Term. We used our knowledge of materials from our science topic to build houses for the Three Little Pigs. How much can you remember? I will also attach the answers from last weeks Great Fire of London quiz. Good Luck!

10 activities to do at home!

Puss in Boots story

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Miss Liddle's phonics group i_e split digraph

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Miss Liddle's phonics group o_e split digraph

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Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds video

Still image for this video

Summer Term Week 5


Good Morning Year 1!


I hope you are all still well and having fun at home. Did you celebrate VE day on Friday? I had fun celebrating with my family, we had afternoon tea in our garden and had a singalong with the people in our village at night, all while staying in our own gardens to make sure we were keeping safe!


Hopefully it won't be long before we can all see each other again, I am missing you all lots! But for now please have a go at all the activities I have set for you, they are all things we have already learned to do at school we just need to keep practising the skills so we don't forget them!


Remember, I am really looking forward to seeing all of your work when we get back to school, I am sure I will be giving out lots of You Can Do Its and Brook Street Pounds!


Stay safe and keep smiling smiley


Miss Liddle

My afternoon tea to celebrate VE day

Story: This week I have chosen to read the story of Dog Did It for you. It's a funny story!


10 things you can do at home: Please have a go at these activities throughout the week. How many can you complete?


Phonics: This week Miss Liddle's group are learning the 'a_e' and 'e_e' split digraphs and Mrs Simpson's group are learning to spell the tricky words oh, their and people whilst also learning about the alternate 'ch' graphemes. There are lesson videos for you to watch and take part in and then some activities for you to try.


English: We are starting a new Talk For Writing Unit this week as we finished the work about Sydney Spider last week. This unit of work focuses on a pixie called Pippety Skycap, have a look at the activities she has got for you to take part in this week!


Maths: This week's maths activities are all about position, direction and time. I have uploaded a link to our favourite directions dance Cha Cha slide for you to dance along to, focus on your left and right! We learned about position and direction just before school finished so hopefully these activities will jog your memory and you will be able to complete them confidently :)


Number bonds: I have uploaded a link for you to practice your number bonds to 20 using a game on Twinkl. 


Spellings: I have uploaded some new spellings for this week. Have a go and see how many you can learn by Friday.


Quiz: This weeks quiz is about The Great Fire of London which we had lots of fun learning about in History earlier in the year. Have a go and see how much you can remember! I will upload the answers next week so you can see how you did!


I have also uploaded the answers from last weeks Materials Quiz. Check your answers, did you get them all right?

10 Activities to try at home this week

Dog Did It story video

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Miss Liddle's phonics group videos

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phonics e_e video compressed.mp4

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Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds

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Maths activities

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Cha Cha Slide

Practice learning your left and right by joining in with this dance like we do in class! Have fun!

Answers for last weeks maths activities

This weeks number bond activity

Answers for last weeks materials quiz

Summer Term Week 4


Hi Year One :)


I hope you have had another fun week staying safe at home with your family!

I cannot wait to hear about all the activities you have been doing and work you have been practising when we get back to school, please make sure you are doing a little bit of school work each day.


I have been spending lots of time in the garden and I've been busy baking this week too as it was my granda's birthday.

My baking

Mrs Bulman has been busy baking too this week and she has also made some lovely cushions and storage boxes.


She is missing you all lots and sends her love, hopefully it won't be long until we can all see her again!

Story: This week I have chosen to read the story of Rapunzel for you.


10 things you can do at home: How many can you complete this week? Try to do as many as you can!


Phonics: This week Miss Liddle's group are learning the 'au' and 'ey' phonemes and graphemes and Mrs Simpson's group are learning to spell the tricky words have, said, so and like whilst also learning about the alternate 'oa' graphemes. There are lesson videos for you to watch and take part in and then some activities for you to try.


English: Please complete the tasks for the story Sydney the Spider.


Maths: This week we are recapping our knowledge about capacity and volume using household containers. You may want to complete these tasks outside as it could get messy!


Number bonds: I have uploaded a link for you to practice your number bonds to 10. How many can you get right in a minute?


Spellings: I have uploaded some new spellings for this week. Have a go and see how many you can learn by Friday.


Quiz: I will be adding a quiz each week based on learning we have already done in Year 1 since the beginning of the year. One of our first science units was 'materials'. I have put together a quiz to see how much you can remember. I will upload the answers next week. Good luck!

Rapunzel story

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Ten things to do at home this week!

Miss Liddle's phonics group au phoneme

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Miss Liddle's phonics group ey phoneme

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Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds

Still image for this video

Summer Term Week 3


Hello Year 1!


How are you all this week? It was lovely to talk to you on Monday and I enjoyed hearing about what you have been busy doing at home. Although I didn't manage to catch everyone, it's great to hear that you are busy completing the tasks and activities I am posting on here, keep it up! smiley


I hope you have been enjoying the lovely sunshine this week, however please remember to keep being superstars by staying at home to keep yourselves and your families safe.

I have been busy in school with some of the children this week. We have been making models with Lego, creating Elmer elephants using the tops of milk cartons and coloured squares and playing football and basketball outside in the sun!


Please have a go at the tasks and activities I have set for this week and if you would like to, perhaps you could make a card for Mrs Simpson as it is her birthday on Tuesday! If you do make a birthday card, keep it safe so you can give it to Mrs Simpson when we get back to school.


Keep smiling and I will hopefully see you soon!


Miss Liddle

Elmer elephants

Story: This week I have chosen a story that you all know really well, 'We're Going On a Bear Hunt'. Can you join in with the story?


10 things you can do at home: See if you can complete as many activities as you can this week!


Phonics: This week Miss Liddle's group are learning the 'oe' and 'ew' phonemes and graphemes and Mrs Simpson's group are practicing their speed sounds and looking at the different graphemes which make the 'f'  phonemes. There are lesson videos for you to watch and take part in and then some activities for you to try.


English: This week we will be continuing to do some work on the story 'Sydney the Spider'. There is a weekly plan attached for you with new exciting activities which include a quiz about the story, learning the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy Spider with actions, finding out the meanings of new words and helping Sydney to use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces correctly as well as beautiful cursive handwriting on the line.


Maths: In maths this week we are using our knowledge of number bonds bonds to 20 to answer addition and subtraction sums and we also practising our ability to interpret data in a block diagram to answer questions. I have also attached the answers from last week's (week 2) activities so you can check your answers.


Spellings: Practice writing your spellings for this week. If you are getting all of them right, challenge yourself with the harder spellings too!

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt

We all know this story really well! Can you join in with the story and actions?

10 things to do at home this week

Miss Liddle's phonics group oe phoneme

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Miss Liddle's phonics group ew phoneme

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Miss Liddle's phonics group activities

Mrs Simpson's phonics group speed sounds

Still image for this video

Talk For Writing (literacy) Activities

What Makes Ten?

Let's practice you number bonds to 10 again this week, you should be getting really quick with these now!

Summer Term Week 2


Hello Year 1 smiley


I hope you are all still well and being superstars by staying inside!


I have had some exciting news this week as my mum and dad have been incubating chicks and they hatched a few days ago!

They are very cute and small, have a look at my video and photos below!


As it has been announced that lock down will be continuing for at least another 3 weeks, every teacher will now be uploading a wider range of activities onto their class pages for their pupils to complete every week. These will include phonics, literacy and maths videos and activity sheets alongside spellings, number bond practice and the 10 challenges that you are now familiar with.


10 activities: I have put together 10 more activities for you to complete at home. Try and challenge yourself to do as many as you can. Can you complete all 10?


Phonics: This week Miss Liddle's group are learning the 'wh' and 'ph' phonemes and graphemes and Mrs Simpson's group are looking at the different graphemes which make the 'igh' and 'ai' phonemes. There are lesson videos for you to watch and take part in and then some activities for you to try.


English: This week we are starting a new Talk For Writing unit about the story 'Sydney the Spider'. There is a planning sheet with daily activities for you to have a go at.


Maths: In maths this week we are practising our place value knowledge with activities which include number recognition, matching numerals and words to twenty, partitioning two-digit numbers and adding and subtracting 10 to and from numbers. Please watch the video I have uploaded to help you complete the activity sheets!


Spellings: Each week I will upload 5 spellings for you to learn each week, just like we do at school. Who could you practice your spellings with? Your mum, dad or older sister maybe? If you would like to challenge yourself there are 5 more difficult spellings at the bottom of the page. Can you get 10 out of 10?


Please have a go at as many of the activities as you can as these are the lessons we would have been learning in school. I look forward to seeing all the activities you have done and fun you have had when we get back to school so please keep your work to show me!


I am missing you all lots so I am going to ring each of you on Monday or Wednesday to see how you are and what you have been up to at home. I'm really looking forward to talking to you all!


Miss Liddle



chicks video.mp4

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Pirates Love Underpants!

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10 challenges for this week

Miss Liddle's phonics group lesson 1

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Miss Liddle's phonics group lesson 2

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Miss Liddle's phonics group activities

Maths activity 2 video

Still image for this video

What Makes Ten?

Listen to this song and join in to practice your number bonds to 10!

Hello Year  1  smiley


I hope you have had a lovely Easter with your families and the Easter bunny found all of your houses!


What have you been busy doing this week? I hope you have managed to complete all of the activities that Mrs Simpson set you last week because I have got 10 more for you this week!

Please try and do as many as you can, it is important that we keep our brains working and practice the skills we have learned at school ready for when we are able to go back.


This week I have been making sure that I go for my one walk each day as the weather has been so nice, I even saw some baby lambs on one of my walks! In the village where my mum and dad live the children are hiding teddy bears in their front gardens for us to spot as we walk past, they move each day! I've put a picture below of some of the teddy bears having a picnic and I've also hidden some teddies in the windows of my house, can you spot them all? (Hint: there are 6).


It is important that we are all still staying safe at home so that we can get back to school as soon as possible.

Mrs Simpson, Mrs Bulman and I are missing you all lots!


Miss Liddle

Teddy Bear Hide and Seek!

Tiny lambs I saw on my daily walk

Happy Easter!

Week 3 Activities to complete at home (week commencing 6th April 2020)

Hi Year 1 smiley


It's been a strange week not being at school and I have missed you all! I hope you have had a good week, keeping busy and having fun.


As you can see below, I have kept myself busy by doing some reading, gardening, baking and taking part in Joe Wicks' workouts on Youtube at 9am each morning, I would love for you to take part too!


I hope you have completed some of the ten activities I set you last week, I have thought of 10 new ones for this week. I challenge you to complete at least 6 of them by Sunday! 


Please remember it is important that you stay at home safe to help look after your family and friends.


Stay safe and keep smiling!


Miss Liddle

Miss Liddle's activities week 1

Here are some challenges for you to complete this week!

Hello Year 1 :)


We hope you are all okay and are staying inside safe!


We will be posting on here each week to let you know what we have been up to and sharing ideas and challenges for you to do at home.


There is a video from all of the teachers on the whole school page with some top tips to help you in this first week, take a look!


Miss Liddle and Mrs Simpson

In English we have been learning about traditional tales, focusing on The Three Little Pigs. In Design and Technology we thought about what materials would be most suitable to create a house for the pigs. They needed to be waterproof, strong and wolf proof!

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